Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

I'm back!

I am back home after a harrowing drive to Walnut Creek yesterday afternoon.  Each one of us arrived looking shell-shocked.  We probably should have cancelled and it was lovely to gather together.   It is unsettling though to be driving in that kind of weather.

I worked with shoveling and rearranging our road again yesterday in the pouring down rain, and returned home to see the mud that washed down our driveway and all is fine.  Tiger and Bella are happy to have been able to go outside without getting wet.  I understand another storm comes and the forecast is for rain, rain, rain, which translates into green, green, green. 

We had quite a discussion in my book group about the candidates.  We have a Hillary Clinton supporter, some Barack Obama support and some Edwards support.  Maybe Edwards will come forth as the "adult" in the campaign.   I am still in the Barack camp, though may switch to Edwards if it looks like he has a chance.  I continue to read more and more that is pulling me away from Hillary.  There are two good columns in the NY Times today that are not in her support.

I am happy to sit quietly for a bit and not be in motion, and enjoy the silence.  The rain was so loud when I was driving yesterday that it actually hurt my ears.  It was pounding down, so I am enjoying the current silence and stillness.   Ah!!

Tis a lovely day!  I hear a bird, and, then, another.   Oh, my!   A little guy is looking right in the window at me.  Some little friends are playing in the tree outside the window and chirping.  They are chickadees.   It is quite a special day.

Enjoy!  Savor!   Appreciate!!

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