Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Evening -

After reflection and discussion, I consider the subject of illegal immigrants and driver's licenses.   Barack Obama says he will be the president of healing, cohesion, and change.  Immigrants are here, many illegally, and they are working and doing jobs many of us don't seem to want to do.  Since they are here, and they do need to drive, because we have been negligent in certain areas of this country about public transportation, it makes sense to allow them a way to drive legally and with insurance.

I feel so strongly that I want the Democrats to win, that I suppose I have been hoping there would be some tip-toeing, but that is not what this election is about.

I also recognize how fervently some of my women friends want a woman president as an example for their daughters.  It seems that many feel these endorsements today by the Kennedy family have now given the election to Barack Obama.  I'm not necessarily sure about that at this point, but no matter what, I think Hillary has shown us that a woman can be president.  It may not necessarily be this time around, but the dam is broken, and without a doubt this election is about great change.   The Democrats have strong candidates, and we have a choice, and a woman and a black are showing courage and strength.   I am thrilled about that. 

We haven't had an election in years where people were so invested in their candidate.  Young people are voting and are enthused.   Paul Krugman says the Democrats have to win by huge amounts to counteract the dirty tricks the Republicans used in 2000 and 2004, and will use again in 2008.  It is time for a land slide.  May this be so!!

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