Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

A huge laugh -

Here's Jon Carroll -


Anyone who has driven in a country where they drive "on the wrong side of the road" will appreciate this, and probably those who haven't.  In addition, there is the part about over-using one's muscles.  One time, Steve and I bicycled from here, our home in Tam Valley, over the hill, to Inverness, with two friends, who were in remarkable shape.  Well, the wonderfully quaint Manka's, at the time, had, in their room, a charming, supposedly romantic antique tub and no shower.  They were unable to bend over to wash their hair.   They were miserable.  They called a friend to take them home.   We, at that time, in great shape, enjoyed our room that did have a shower, and bicycled merrily back.

The world may be goofy, but it is also fun.

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