I think of the presidential candidates as I squeeze. It is quite arrogant to think you know what is best for us all, and to consider that you are the only one to lead, and maybe that is the disconnect which explains why they aren't able to connect, and certainly this nation is so diverse, that to pretend to be a best friend to each of us is a little ridiculous.
I want the one who has shown the most honor, who has taken the high road the most times. Of course, that person probably won't win, because so many believe the ads the others toss, and so here we are.
John Adams was a farmer. He knew the land. Even then, there were huge differences between north and south and they found the places to compromise. Where does our government grow now and in whose hands? Who pulls the weeds and squeezes what sucks and destroys.
Who circulates the air so we can breathe?
The snail may be small, but it is very strong, and can destroy a garden quickly. I look to pluck what I can, and to understand that the snail is part of the process and it is for me to be aware.