Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Good Morning!

I realize this morning I am on overload and need to head to Muir Woods......

I see the fog peeking over the hill so it will be cool there and enveloping......

I read Jon Carroll this morning on the insanity of local politics and I read about solar panels on pontoons and I try and balance the negative news with the positive.  I watch some music videos courtesy of Joan and I see that I can take in no more.  I need to decompress and hand it all to the redwoods who will pat my head like parents and say we know history - all is well - sit and rest - let your mind stretch in our hands.  We'll weave you back together.

I'm off to the trees!

And this is not to discount my own beautiful redwood which rises as two which is now shaking a branch at me, saying I am here, but it is a relative newcomer and I need the wisdom of age...


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