Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Evening -

It has been a full day.  The moon is shining and the crickets are singing.  The wasp guy came again and I now know a great deal about wasps.  What we need is our fog and then they would go away.  It seems they love this heat.

Thoughts to ponder as we sleep -


Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche -


          Tenderness contains an element of sadness. It is not the sadness of feeling sorry for yourself or feeling deprived, but it is a natural situation of fullness. You feel so rich and full, as if you were about to shed tears. Your eyes are full of tears, and the moment you blink, the tears will spill out of your eyes and roll down your cheeks.  In order to be a good warrior, one has to feel this sad and tender heart.



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