This is to balance my "rant." I am trying to balance the see-saw of myself. :)
Joan Borysenko:
I love His Holiness the Dalai Lama. And of course there's quite a famous quote, when somebody said to him, "What is your religion? Explain your religion."
And His Holiness replied, "My religion is kindness."
You think about the great spiritual people like Mother Teresa.... She used to say, "Every dying person I pick up is simply Jesus in one more unfortunate garb."
There is that sense that people who have a real reverence for life see everything as part of the divine, see every person as divine.
And how could you be less than kind? How could you be less than compassionate?
Not because you're making a judgment about it, but because it calls forth holiness — you serve life because it's so beautiful, because it's so holy.
Rachel Naomi Remen said that really well one time. She said, often the way we serve is conflicted, because we think we serve life because it's broken. In fact, we serve life because it's holy.
I think that's what kindness is about.
And His Holiness replied, "My religion is kindness."
You think about the great spiritual people like Mother Teresa.... She used to say, "Every dying person I pick up is simply Jesus in one more unfortunate garb."
There is that sense that people who have a real reverence for life see everything as part of the divine, see every person as divine.
And how could you be less than kind? How could you be less than compassionate?
Not because you're making a judgment about it, but because it calls forth holiness — you serve life because it's so beautiful, because it's so holy.
Rachel Naomi Remen said that really well one time. She said, often the way we serve is conflicted, because we think we serve life because it's broken. In fact, we serve life because it's holy.
I think that's what kindness is about.
—Joan Borysenko
New Morning Treasury
New Morning Treasury