I continue to be astonished that we are told people support her even when she has nothing to say, and thinks being vice-president is such an easy job she didn't hesitate to accept even though she has four children at home. Usually adults pause to think about what they do. I am completely unclear how with a deficit like we have, she thinks we can continue to wage war, and she waves that word around like the flag.
Oddly, it seems this group is happy about what is going on with Fannie and Freddie, even though Palin hasn't a clue about it.
How could anyone see this as a good thing? Well, read this. Who benefits again? The wealthy. It just keeps happening. Wake up, people. So, the McCain people are happy about the bailout and they didn't even bother to go to the meeting. We have known it has been weird with Bush and it keeps getting weirder and it is hard to know what to do.