Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Aerial Wolf Hunting

I kept avoiding watching this video about aerial wolf-hunting, and now that I've watched it, I'm glad I did. It is essential to see what Palin supports. When, many years ago, I read the book Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat, I learned that wolves, as they say in this video, have true family values. They are monogamous, family oriented and intelligent. (Oh, maybe that last word doesn't suggest those who are espousing family values with no clue as to what it might actually mean.)

The movie, Never Cry Wolf, again made it clear that wolves kill and eat what they need by cullingl the weak from the herds of moose and caribou. The results mean each species is stronger. Do watch this. It is beautifully done. I give you the short version and the long one, though I suggest you watch the long one. It is worth the time.

Here is a ten minute version which is also key to watch.


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