Today was time with Zach. We went to the bay and played in the mud and made footsteps and squished and a little boy came over with a teeny-tiny crab that could fit in even Zach's small hand, so we looked for crabs and placed them back and clams squirted us, and the little boy's young sister and Zach kept saying how the crabs love us, and I was in bliss, and then, we got very wet and very muddy and it was so much fun. We also had a little discussion of life and death, as some of the crabs hadn't quite made it through the low tide.
Zach commented that he loves the sound of the birds as they take off in flight. We saw and heard many pelicans splash for a fish and we let our shadows cross as we ran and chased.
I came home and had a wonderful dinner with Steve who returned with uplifting news on China and Japan and how well they are doing and he seemed less aware of the power of the McPain smears, and we watched the Friday night Bill Maher and last night's Jon Stewart where Bill Clinton did come out strongly for Barack and I was feeling my fatigue from the fire and life and then, I came to the news which I had missed where McCain now wants to postpone or eliminate Friday night's debate. What kind of chicken shit is that?
At Blackie's Pasture where I went today with Zach is a statue of Blackie, a horse, and below his rear on the ground in the proper place is a rock that looks like a huge hunk of shit. Who would have thought a clone of McCain would be sitting in Tiburon by the bay.