"This business of hozho. The way I understand it ... I’ll use an example. Terrible drought, crops dead, sheep dying. Spring dried out. No water. The Hopi, or the Christian, maybe the Moslem, they pray for rain. The Navajo has the proper ceremony done to restore himself to harmony with the drought. You see what I mean. The system is designed to recognize what’s beyond human power to change, and then to change the human’s attitude to be content with the inevitable."
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I haven't been here in awhile and I return today to learn there is a "new post editor". I start to try it and then go back to the old. I am…
It's Morning!
I've been here at Live Journal since October, 2005. I started it to keep in touch with family and friends as I went through cancer treatment.…
The sun is shining!
Where I live the sun is shining and the buds have popped out so the plum trees are waving white. We've had months of rain, record breaking rain and…
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