Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Technology -

I recently posted Kevin Kelly's wonderful discourse on how we are all involved in technology, and how at this point, we humans can't survive without it. We need our tools. http://www.kk.org/thetechnium/archives/2009/03/the_world_witho.php

Robinson Jeffers integrates beautifully.


The little biplane that has the river-meadow for landing-field
And carries passengers brief rides,
Buzzed overhead on the tender blue above the orange of sundown.
Below it five troubled night-herons
Turned short over the shore from its course, four east, one northward.
Beyond them
Swam the new moon in amber.
I don't know why, but lately the forms of things appear to me with time
One of their visible dimensions.
The thread brightness of the bent moon appeared enormous, unnumbered
Ages of years; the night-herons
Their natural size, they have croaked over the shore in the hush at sundown
Much longer than human language
Has fumbled with the air: but the plane having no past but a certain future,
Insect in size as in form,
Was also accepted, all these forms of power placed without preference
In the grave arrangement of the evening.

- Robinson Jeffers

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