My dear sister-in-law sent me a wonderful video of myself as Mother of the Year 2009. It is incredibly clever and I am sitting here smiling at what we can do with technology these days.
We are celebrating Mother's Day in the East Bay at Chris and Frieda's. Her parents will come, and Jeff and Jan, and Frieda's brother and his wife so it will be quite the celebration.
Again, I am with mothers not here, and mothering, and what it means to each of us.
These are times where it is ever more important to take care with the use of words and with what we share. It is considered that a group of 25 is a number in a tribe that is strong enough to survive. We are exposed to news and people and stories in unfathomable numbers. I think it is for each of us to cleanse our own meaning each day and nurture what we need to thrive.
Happy Mother's Day!!