Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Afternoon -

I sit now in some sort of bogglement as to what I might want to say.

Perhaps that happens when I read the news, the news on dignity and ethics and what McNamara allowed and did.



and then there are dogs sniffing out health problems. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/07/06/dogs-sniffing-out-health-problems/

I saw the doctor today for a physical and got a tetanus shot so I am all set. Blood work is fine.

Her office is by the bay, so I self-served a cup of coffee at the Bait and Tackle Shop and listened to the fishermen talk about whether to go out or not. Though the only fish I ever caught was with my niece Katy's Snoopy fishing rod when she was four or five, and that fish I put back, I seem to enjoy the talk of bait and lures.

I realize that amidst it all I feel positive. Perhaps it is where I live. We had a friend of Steve's to dinner last night. He was out from NY and had spent the last few days in Carmel, Monterey, and Santa Cruz, and yesterday went up the Marin coast. He kept exclaiming over the horizons. Perhaps we need to see the horizon to put everything in perspective, perhaps we need to watch the tides go in and out and expose little critters and cover them up and watch the moon rise and set and the sun. Perhaps.


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