Michael's points are simple. Eat what your grandmother would have recognized. Cook at home with real ingredients. He brought samples of "created" products and read the ingredients, or at least what he could pronounce. Gardens are prevalent around here, especially in the schools and people still need to be taught what to do with produce so now free cooking classes are available. It is shocking to realize how far we've come from understanding the source of our food.
He said organic is not a necessity if price is an issue but cooking at home will save money and energize health. He continued to emphasize how obesity and diabetes-2 are a problem in this country. He also emphasized the importance of sitting down at a table to eat and eating communally. It is important to ingest in community.
There is an article in the Chronicle today about the success of Dean Ornish with heart disease and cancer. I see that someone I know chose Ornish's route and escaped chemo and radiation for prostate cancer. We're seeing a new integration of responsibility in health.
Michael Pollan posts interesting links. Check it out: