Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Elections and a Parade!


I am thrilled that Brown and Boxer won and that our environment retains its protections despite the devious attempts by Texas oil interests to infiltrate and destroy.   My understanding is that our president now has something to push against.  I don't believe the empty blaming will work when people begin to see that the health plan is not a "monstrosity" but a necessity.   President Obama needs to slam the message home, make it personal.  

People were lining up for the SF Giants celebratory parade at 7 this morning.  I read that it is already too late to think of going though it starts at 11.  Extra ferries have been added to carry the load.  I realized this morning that big events I've gone to in the city have been protests.  I find it exhilarating that people are uniting around something fun.  I won't be there though it seems many  I know will be,  and many are new fans, but I don't think it is about that.  It is that we need something to celebrate and we've found it, for a few days.  It seems for many in the Bay area, today is a holiday and the weather could not be more perfect for a parade.

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