Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

making sense

I've been rolling in and out of an ability to absorb the news this week.   I continue to be astonished and move in and then have to retreat.  I watched Bill Maher last night, and he had three strong panelists who really would like to see this country succeed and not be perceived as a laughing stock, an immoral one, around the world.  Who, after all, doesn't take care of their people?  Isn't that what civilization is about?

Here is Gail Collins on what Donald Trump has to say about her.  You can also read his unstable ramble.   Last night I learned that Donald Trump is rising to popularity on the made-up issue of where Barack Obama was born, even though there is absolute proof he was born in Hawaii.

The panel blamed the ignorance of people in the U.S. on Fox "news".  I wonder how we counteract a barrage of ignorance, manipulation, and lies.  Can we?


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