Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy


A friend and I set ourselves with forty days to better define our "purpose".   This is Day 10.   

This invitation to open to purpose, higher purpose,  is bringing us to discussions of life and death.  

Years ago, I felt purpose come in for me when I sat in the Poet's Corner at Westminster Abbey.   I told my friend I had no words but I felt something settle in, and on,  me.

She just sent me this:

Epitaph from Poets' Corner:

"The communication of the dead is tongued with fire beyond the language of the living"

      - Epitaph on the memorial to T.S.Eliot.

Today my friend Annie says of some of the Native People she met in Alaska:

The elder women are beautiful and full of wisdom and soul.  

In reading The Reluctant Fundamentalist, I saw how clearly we in America are not seeing ourselves as we are, are not seeing what we are doing in other countries, how we go in and incite war.   I think we need to honor poetry here, and we need to honor our elders, especially our women, who are told they need cosmetic surgery to be beautiful.  Instead let's encourage a cultivation of wisdom and soul.   We need poetry to connect the language of life and death, to prioritize and wake.

Yesterday friends of mine put their dogs in a dog show in the parking lot at Whole Foods.  I really couldn't get enthused about judging the "beauty" of one dog over another.  When I saw the photos hanging up in the store, and was supposed to judge, I knew how much each one meant to their owner.  I couldn't judge or choose one smiling, or perhaps panting dog, over another.  

Now, I read of this, a program to ensure no one dies alone.


We live in a country that celebrates life, at least for we Americans, over death.  Perhaps we could combine, and better transition the two.

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