- 1st
- 03:04 am Wow!!
- 03:31 am White blood cells -
- 07:51 am Morning Flow!
- 09:01 am Circus Time!
- 2nd
- 08:24 am Butterflies and Ladybugs!
- 09:11 am Morning Thoughts!
- 10:21 am Thought turns to cows -
- 12:25 pm Quote -
- 04:32 pm Attitude -
- 05:52 pm quote -
- 05:56 pm And then there is Rilke -
- 3rd
- 07:09 am Morning Miracle every day -
- 07:48 pm Checking in -
- 07:52 pm A great gift!!
- 4th
- 08:28 am Owl Friends!
- 5th
- 06:29 am Good Morning!!
- 08:37 am In the mysteries -
- 10:31 am Haiku!
- 04:14 pm I'm back!!
- 04:22 pm Non-questioning -
- 04:42 pm more thoughts -
- 08:10 pm The moon tonight -
- 08:35 pm "We are the ones we have been waiting for."
- 6th
- 07:50 am Good Morning!
- 08:03 am My check-in -
- 08:44 am An Great Gift!
- 08:48 am Another bit -
- 09:28 am My Hair is Falling!!
- 03:18 pm Small world! - 3 comments
- 7th
- 07:56 am Poem!
- 08:01 am Jane's poem -
- 08:34 am My Morning Poetry Flow!
- 08:58 am Goethe - "Happy only is the soul that loves."
- 09:56 am more thoughts - oh, my! : )
- 12:29 pm Right now!
- 02:29 pm tis raining -
- 03:38 pm Home!
- 8th
- 07:49 am Morning poetry flow -
- 07:58 am and here is Tender-Eyed Jane!!
- 08:06 am quote -
- 01:53 pm Poem -
- 02:07 pm Clarification -
- 05:43 pm Poem -
- 05:54 pm "Radical"
- 07:04 pm This evening -
- 9th
- 02:15 am Awake in the night -
- 03:00 am Geese -
- 08:28 am Ode to My Feet!!
- 08:39 am Jane's Poem to Her Feet! - 2 comments
- 07:29 pm Rumi!
- 10th
- 10:06 am Checking in -
- 12:09 pm Thoughts -
- 12:52 pm Pablo Neruda -
- 01:17 pm Poem Alert! : )
- 11th
- 03:10 am Stars in the night -
- 10:50 am checking in -
- 12th
- 06:16 am Receiving!! - 2 comments
- 02:33 pm Nibble!
- 13th
- 05:52 am Good Morning!
- 07:11 am Erich Fromm!
- 07:37 am Narwhals -
- 09:22 am Dreams -
- 09:42 am the miracle of life -
- 02:10 pm Comfort!
- 02:38 pm an additional hat note -
- 03:34 pm Serpentine!
- 06:00 pm more than anyone wants to know about hats -
- 14th
- 04:40 am The Moon!
- 05:06 am Hafiz!
- 05:44 am How Do I Listen?
- 07:59 am Morning flow of poems -
- 08:15 am Sunrise - Sunset!
- 15th
- 06:18 am Good Morning!!
- 07:57 am Jane, this morning!!
- 08:02 am My Thoughts - "Humbled" - 2 comments
- 03:55 pm A Perfect Poem!
- 04:09 pm Today!
- 16th
- 08:57 am Morning!
- 10:39 am Yule Logs!!
- 01:55 pm Yule Logs!!
- 03:34 pm more thoughts -
- 17th
- 08:37 am Good Morning!
- 18th
- 06:09 am Good Morning!!
- 06:22 am Stanley Kunitz Poem -
- 10:22 am The rain pours down -
- 12:03 pm Thunder and Lightning today! - 2 comments
- 05:17 pm Checking in -
- 06:22 pm A mess of Mush!
- 19th
- 02:57 pm Checking in - - 2 comments
- 07:54 pm Tonight -
- 09:37 pm checking in -
- 10:23 pm Terns and Gulls!
- 20th
- 07:56 am Good Morning, My Angelic Friends!!
- 08:11 am Jane's Poem for Today!
- 08:17 am This seems relevant!
- 08:32 am Chemo Reading!!
- 01:33 pm Thoughts -
- 21st
- 04:46 am As Promised .....
- 04:51 am Ram Dass!
- 05:13 am Pablo Neruda
- 05:20 am Solstice!
- 07:42 am Warning! Beware of reading before work today!
- 08:44 am Permission!!
- 10:58 am Poem Alert!
- 11:31 am Joyce's Solstice Poem!
- 05:07 pm checking in -
- 05:39 pm Light and dark -
- 05:50 pm And then there is this - Ah!!
- 22nd
- 05:36 am Good Morning!
- 06:00 am re-considering -
- 07:54 am Potential -
- 08:36 am Form -
- 10:49 am I found what I went for -
- 12:54 pm being with the rain -
- 03:29 pm Celebrate -
- 23rd
- 09:00 am Good Morning!
- 09:29 am Lord Byron!!
- 09:33 am Jane's poem for today!
- 10:32 am Beauty -
- 02:44 pm Malpractice Insurance -
- 24th
- 04:16 am Merry Christmas Eve!!
- 04:39 am Gratitude!!
- 05:16 am Poem by Miguel de Unamuno
- 25th
- 02:37 am Miracles!
- 03:24 am Heart thoughts -
- 03:35 am Gratitude!
- 05:18 pm Christmas!!
- 05:35 pm Editorial from the NY Times today - Christmas Day!
- 26th
- 03:05 am Thoughts -
- 03:09 am The Little Engine that Could!!
- 05:28 pm Another peaceful day -
- 06:00 pm Considering -
- 27th
- 06:42 am Good Morning!!
- 06:51 am Play!!
- 07:43 am Jane's Christmas Poem!!!
- 07:46 am My Morning Flow!
- 12:25 pm Energy -
- 07:21 pm Tonight -
- 28th
- 05:52 am Good Morning!
- 07:52 am Morning Thoughts -
- 08:08 am Pears Paired!!
- 08:14 am the other half of the pair -
- 10:19 am offering for today -
- 10:25 am quote -
- 03:45 pm from Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners -
- 04:43 pm Thoughts -
- 29th
- 08:10 am Jane's Poem of the Morning!!
- 08:16 am Morning Nibbets!
- 08:40 am Gratitude!
- 10:16 am Quote -
- 10:17 am another quote -
- 04:16 pm Resurgence Magazine -
- 04:21 pm Rilke -
- 30th
- 08:16 am Morning flow -
- 08:42 am Shoot the Moon!! Not literally, of course.!
- 10:01 am Soles and Soul!
- 03:50 pm Balance -
- 04:31 pm more thoughts -
- 31st
- 03:58 am Rain and Wind!!
- 04:11 am New York Times Today!
- 11:30 am Good Morning!!
- 11:59 am New Year's Eve!!
- 12:37 pm Poem by Margaret Atwood -
- 12:41 pm Poem by E.E. Cummings -
- 01:12 pm Rainbow light!!
- 03:18 pm Drugs and Advertising!
- 04:18 pm A way to consider the new year -
- 04:25 pm Weather -
- 11:20 pm for the New Year 2006 -