Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Birthing -

Bringing forth this book continues to occupy my mind and time.  Yesterday there was some angst, as I went back and forth with friends on a bio.

What is important to say about one's self?

What might you most want to know about me?  What might I most want to know about myself?

This morning I was thinking about the next book, which is amazing to imagine, considering how I felt yesterday about the process,  As I considered a new subject, my husband asked me, "What moves you?"

"What moves me?"

I know what he meant, and I also wonder what moves each of us.   Why do we emerge each day open as to what may come?

Friends point out that I am birthing a book, and one sends me this.  It allows me to feel how we are all birthing something, when we know and honor the fragility and sensitivity of living alive and awake.

To birth, each moment, each day.

Every midwife knows
that not until a mother’s womb
softens from the pain of labour
will a way unfold
and the infant find that opening to be born.

Oh friend!
There is treasure in your heart, it is heavy with child.
All the awakened ones, like trusted midwives are saying,
welcome this pain.
It opens the dark passage of Grace.

~ Rumi

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