Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy


I had Mohs surgery on my forehead on Thursday.  It was a little more painful than I expected, more traumatic, and it has brought me to presence, awareness, and spaciousness.   I eat when I'm hungry, sleep when I'm tired, and, in that, gently seem to be "accomplishing" more than before.  I am with my tasks, grateful I can do them.

I am reading a book I recommend, One Bird, One Stone: 108 Zen Stories by Sean Murphy.

This morning I am with these words of Gary Snyder:

Whatever made people think Mind isn't rocks, fences, clouds, or houses?  Meditation is the art of deliberately staying open so that myriad things can experience themselves.

May this be so.   Happy approach of Equinox and the return of Fall.  Leaves are beginning to fall, and each one I see sends a thrill through me.  I'm grateful to be here for the release of leaves.

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