Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Evening -

The rain comes down, after a bout of hail. My friend Karen came by and we each had a glass of wine, and talked about what evolves for each of us, in this moment, and the next.
Then, an old friend calls from the past. I bring her up to date on what is going up with me. The last time I saw her we gathered wood on the beach and she was showing me how to carve. She has Parkinson's Disease and is a dynamo in the Parkinson's community and a drumming community she created to help elders and others, and probably every community she touches. Well, she had a lot to say in guidance for me. So, I sit here tonight, feeling like this is the best I have felt in over six months, and I know there is more to go, and already, doors are opening in the most delightful of ways. How can I not believe in the beauty, wonder, and connectiveness of this world? Mandu and I are both quite fine tonight, and I hope so are you.

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