I sent this to a friend. She suggested I share it with more than just her, so I place it here as I sent it to her. I hope it makes sense.
I realized today when I looked into the eyes of this woman with her newly growing hair, and she looked into my eyes - I realized that we don't smile - those of us who are so obviously "in" it. It is like the communication is on a different level. It is the strangest thing, and it isn't with everyone, but I have caught it with some. It is like we are taking each other in whole, in some way. It is so interesting. It is like we are caught in each other's eyes, and there is no trace of, or need, for a smile. The level is different than that.
I read my own words over and try and find a way to better explain, and I can't. I just feel it when I meet it, someone who knows. There are no words there. We are caught in one space. I realize now it is the way babies and young children look at another baby or child. There is some way of communion, of recognition, of oneness. I feel it, and there are no words. The head is bare.