I just realized I forgot to bathe myself in Gisela's white light, so I try now to swim in a pool of white milk, but I feel myself separate from the milk, and the pool. I'm floundering a bit, and then, my strokes change and become quite lovely. I am Esther Williams for a moment. Then, I pause and bathe in the milk, warm milk. Perfect. I'm there. I sink into the milk, no longer separate. The milk and I are an energetic one with the pool and the world and you, for a moment, and now, I'm back in a chair looking out on green bathed in fog. I am aware.
I think of Jim's question again about what surprised me most in working with the horses so far. Yesterday was our fourth time. I realize it is how much I love the horses. I feel this overwhelming love for them, and I just want to hug them, and I lie in bed, and feel layers and layers of love opening up inside. I am like a croissant I am so fluffy with layers. I am in love, or maybe, I am love. Perhaps that is it.
Celebrate this day. Peel and fluff layers of love. Peek between, for the grace. It rests there like chocolate and raspberry jam.