Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy


 "Life is a great big canvas;  throw as much paint on it as you can!!" -

            Danny Kaye

Steve and I are heading out to Inverness until Sunday.  It is one of my favorite places, and friends are coming up from Palo Alto, and so we will each have our own little space, to explore and be and feed.   I am excited.  It is so odd to feel the joy of this experience.   In all these years, I have not thought of going out there to stay, except for overnights at my friend Wendy's which, I loved, but I love it there, and am thrilled to know I will be awakening to the freshness of all that ocean and bay air, with all that nature right outside the door.  Amazingly, thanks to packing sweaters and jeans, it looks like it may be sunny and warm.  The sun is shining, and the day is bright.  I am taking my computer, and the room has internet access, so I am hoping to be able to check in.

Great love and care to All!!


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