Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

thoughts -

I wake this morning feeling the fullness of the moon, even though the fog has tucked itself in around me.

Jane and I write and the poems we are working with are from March.  I was nearing the end of chemo and feeling my fear.  She wrote of rescuing earthworms.

I wrote easily this morning, feeling myself as one of her rescued earthworms.  She struggled with facing the force of fear.  We agreed that when we go to Inverness we will delve more deeply into this subject of our fragility and vulnerability.  How do we let go into the place of trust, of knowing death is just an expanding, and not an ending?

There is much with me this morning, and I feel light like a feather, and grounded like my favorite rocks.  After all,  I lift (I first typed life)  them, and carry them through the air.   (Are we rocks lifted to life?)

Blessings to us all today, and ease.   Presence requires more consciousness now, and I am doing well with it.  I smile at,  and with myself.  

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