Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

The Still Arena -

I wake in the night, unable to sleep, considering this subject of expanding the still point.   What comes to mind is an arena of stillness.  Somehow the word arena has a connotation of violence, struggle, and conflict for me.  I see the Christians and the lions.  I want to change that view, and see myself as an arena of peace.  I  think, also, of Thich Nhat Hanh's book Being Peace.  I roam the house trying to find that book and discover that the deck is wet and the smell of Jasmine is strong.  I don't find Being Peace, but I do find others.   Lying in bed before rising, I felt how active it is to Be Peace.  Peace is not inertia.

Steve and I drove by the Seniors from the Redwoods last night.  They were out in strength for peace.  They waved and we waved.  They are active in the pursuit, in the living of, and being peace.

What I learned so strongly in this cancer treatment, is that saying I am for peace is not being peace.   Judging the "other side" is not peace.  Unifying the differences in myself is peace.

Thich Nhat Hanh speaks of being mindful 24 hours a day.  Now, that I am re-gaining a mind to fill, I am hoping to live more firmly in the balance of peace in myself, and in the expansion of being.   I see it as like living and swimming the breast stroke through air.   How much space can I clear and plant with ease?

That is my intention of the night.

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