Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

This evening -

I bought a new purse today which motivated me to clean out all the scraps of paper and notebooks that have accumulated in the deep well of the last one. Again, I set intention that this new purse will be neatly organized and everything I need easily at hand. I plug in my cell phone, for the newly revamped me almost always has her cell phone as fully charged as possible, and quickly placed in its slot for mobile use.

I am surprised to discover snuggled in the nest of my purse, notes and thoughts from when my mother died. It is all here, those few days of her releasing and my going back.

I read them again, and feel her so close tonight, so warmly and preciously close.

I offer prayers, and thanks, that her passage has been so easy, light, and blessed. I miss her deeply. Her smile was gentle and sweet, like the Buddha's smile. I feel her here, as her dance of eternity offers me a softly flowering branch of earthly delight.

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