Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Bella and Tiger -

Now, Bella and Tiger are completely intertwined, with their arms around each other, and their heads nuzzled.

They each had a microchip planted, when they were neutered and spayed.  The can do that now when they weigh only two pounds.  They now weigh about 3.3 pounds.

As I look at all their paperwork, I see great care, and also, a world that must have felt very frightening, at times.  They were in foster care before they were old enough to be placed in the shelter.  I am so grateful they had and have each other.  I can't imagine what it all must have felt like to them, but they are happy campers today.

Because of the microchip, if they are ever lost, they can be traced back to us, as long as we keep their ID information up-to-date.  It seems amazing to me.

Bella has a great deal of white fur, so will be sensitive to the sun, and skin cancer is a risk for her.  Who would have thought that even our animals are affected in the way the sun is dropping through on us.

Anyway, I am obviously enchanted with my two small friends, who in this moment are intertwined as one.  Earlier, Bella washed Tiger's face and ears.  Now, he washes hers.  It is SWEET as can be!!

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