Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Excitement -

Tonight is the bachelorette party, and I feel like the celebrating began on Tuesday with Jeff's birthday party.  Jeff has matured so much through all this, that, as Elaine says, he is now crowned Lion King.  Jeff has always been mature, but this is the full enrichment of his being. 

In high school, Jeff and Jan took a pottery class together.   They loved the class, and Jeff made a wedding pitcher, a pitcher with two spouts.  It has been waiting here for the wedding.  Traditionally, the son's family keeps it as we have.  I have now handed it over to Shirley, the woman who will marry them, and, soon they will drink from the same pitcher.  I am as excited as I can be.  I bought Jan some sexy things for the bachelorette party, and that was fun.  Somehow, all of it just seems so fun.

Her parents still have not said if they will come, or not.  My sense is that they will.  I do not see how anyone could not be unhardened in the presence of so much love, but, just in case, on Sunday, think of rose petals and Love, Love, Love!!   I want her parents to see that there is nothing more lovely, precious, and real as two people coming together in love, and drinking together from a pitcher that has been waiting for all these years.  

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