"Waken! my people, to the boughs green
With ripening fruit within you!
Waken to the myriad cinquefoil
In the waving grass of your minds!
Waken to the silent phoebe nest
Under the eaves of your spirit!"
I drank two glasses of fresh orange juice today. It is devastating to learn of the damage these many days of below freezing temperatures have done to the citrus crop in California. It makes me hungry for that bright orange juice which will now go up in price. A few years ago I attended the Ecofarm Conference and visited many farms. It is a wonderful way to understand the life of the farmer and how much was lost and why the cost must go up, and so it is.
Happy cozy January night!! I'm glad to see the clouds come and I hope we get rain tomorrow!!
I heard an interview today while driving. It was with Native American children who leave the reservation to go to school. They talked about how hard it is to leave the silence of home, and of how their umbilical cords are buried in the land when they are born, so they will always feel that tie to home. What stays with me is their comments on how Americans are always talking, are uncomfortable with silence. May you find silence in yourself tonight.