When I was in chemo, a publication Passager asked for comments on Hair. I sent this, and was informed it would be published. I just received my copies of the publication. As I read my comments from this place, the place of hair, I'm glad I could write this, and I am happy now to have hair.
"I have a young friend who is distraut at the loss of his hair. Mine is gone due to chemo. At first, it was a bit traumatic, but now, I wash my head and toss a hat on it, or not, depending on the temperature. I see that I am still attractive, and perhaps even more interesting without my hair. I am exotic, and I can see and hear much better without hair blocking my eyes and my ears.
A bald head frees up time and money. There are no bad hair days. The economy might suffer, but I say let us all free ourselves by offering our hair to the birds and scalps to the air."