Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Evening -

This has been a lovely, instructive day.  I met with my friend Jean for lunch and she helped me understand the importance of bringing the poems back into the body of the book.   Then, I met with Karen and she said the same thing.  In working with Karen today I felt my fear around the return of cancer and in that, the fear dissipated, and I also felt the three minds, head, heart, and gut, and how it has been hard for me to take this illness into my gut, and so I did, and again I feel healing and fullness there.  Jane and I went out for a glass of wine and founded the fourth leg of the book.  I have been feeling a bit stuck and I think Karen's word "interplay" allowed us to feel what is needed now.  We couldn't get to it before because Jane and I have not not able to feel and/or acknowledge how much we have grown to mean to each other in this year and three months of morning writing.  We had to acknowledge to ourselves what the writing together has meant to us in order to share it in the book.  What a process of growth this has been and continues to be.  I am amazed.  Here is to continuing growth, learning,  and knowing and following the curves that spin.  I felt new movement within today.  I give thanks for that and for the continuing evolution of myself and the book.

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