It is another beautiful day. I think I forget each year how beautiful is spring. Each season seems the "best" until one is in it, and then, it seems nothing can be any better than this.
I am over to Berkeley for breakfast with Chris and Frieda, and then we go up to Vacaville to pick up Chris's car which seems to need special care to run, and then, we will come back here for a barbecue. Tis a good day!
Last night my book group discussed Tortilla Curtain and all agreed it is a must-read. We actually discussed the book. Usually it gets dismissed in the busyness of our lives.
When I picked up my new contacts yesterday, I couldn't see through them. It seems someone had forgotten to remove the polish. It is a mistake I find hard to understand. I don't go to a chain. I pay extra to support my local optometrist and now I've put polish into my eyes and experienced dizziness from trying to navigate while not really being able to see. I tell the story and Wendy says when she arrived in India in the fall, she realized she had forgotten her glasses. She needed them, and was leaving on a tour the next day. The hotel led her to a teeny tiny little place where a man, a Sikh, hand-placed lenses in front of her eyes to find the prescription. She then chose lovely frames. They were ready that day, and they were the best glasses she has ever had. When she got home, she had the bill. $33.00.
There is a reason people are considering India as a place to retire.
There was an article in the SF Chronicle yesterday about a man who was in a little accident and debated even going to the hospital but he was taken anyway, and the cost to find out he was okay was $12,000. He figures he had about 15 minutes of medical care though he was there for hours because they were busy. He doesn't have insurance. It is nuts and something does need to be done. If only we had a president capable of leading us in that.
Despite that I am in a cheery mood and my insides are singing like the birds. The quail are definitely settled into one side of our yard and it is the greatest treat. I am fully ready for spring.
April begins tomorrow and it is National Poetry Month. Are you ready to sing?
The child must know that he is a miracle, a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been and until the end of the world there will not be another child like him. He is a unique thing, a unique thing, from the beginning until the end of the world. Now, that child acquires a responsibility: “Yes, it is true, I am a miracle. I am a miracle like a tree is a miracle, like a flower is a miracle. Now, if I am a miracle, can I do a bad thing? I can't because I am a miracle, a miracle.”
- Pablo Casals