I am again off to the city for the Writing for Change Conference. There are no early ferries, so I have to drive. What a shame as the ferry ride was a delight and I sat outside on the way home and got absolutely soaked. It was a perfect ending to the day.
I will go into more detail but what I am learning is that the literacy rate in the US continues to sink, the presses have been bought by conglomerates, the days of years of editing as a form of therapy for the author to get the strongest, deepest book are gone, and, ...
Well, what does that mean. We had fire; we had the printing press and now we have the web. Blogs and podcasts are in and it.
We did use books in one lecture to lift the projector so we could all see the image better, and everyone there loves books, loves the touch, smell, look and luxury, but most of us are mature and many of the presenters are young, and .....
I came home last night sitting with the future in which I now live and trying to absorb and recognize it so I can more fully function within the developing possibilities. I see I "should" connect this blog with other blogs, though that doesn't mean I will, but the possibilities are out there and I sit now with how far my piece of the web needs to reach and stretch.
Off to the city, I again go. It is filled with tourists and they are having a wonderful time. I see it through new eyes and I love Grace Cathedral. Happy Day!
Ah, one more thing - I need a niche for my blog it seems. I don't like categorizing. When I began, this was a way to stay in touch with family and friends. Perhaps now I am a "mature" person in the midst of absorbing the new. I need to contemplate what category I now seek to brew.
Also, it seems I am to encourage you to comment more. This is supposed to be an exchange, it seems. It has been rather fun to be lead spider, but now, I invite you to tip into my web. It does not hurt to comment, is not painful at all. We are being taught how to invite more people into our blog, how to rise on the Google search engine, or perhaps, in my case, I prefer to stay out of it, but I am at least considering. How about you?
I really do need to leave, but I guess I am with how young people are leaping into a connection I never considered or understood. This young woman, Britt, last night, who has three blogs, was on fire with all the people she meets. I have been content to sit on my front and back porch in a rocking chair. Who knew how wide the world out there. I feel like a country woman on her first trip to the city, and my eyes are wide open, and so it is. I can always return to the comfortable swing of my chair.
The fog continues, a blanket of care.