Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy

Evening -

Today I asked myself this question, "What is my direction?"

The answer that came was, "There is no direction.   Live centered in your heart."

I let myself feel what that meant and realized there is no up, down, left or right, just the heart center, and in that, I felt like a tree with branches emerging from all sides.  I understood heartwoo
d.   I am right where I need to be, where I am meant to be,  when I stay centered in my heart.  It feels like quite the day, and the leaves on my branches, in honor of night,  are now folding up in prayer-filled sleep.

What are leaf prayers, you might ask.  Well, just like yours, each one is unique.

Sleep resting in the heart of your tree, honoring roots, trunk, stretch and breeze.


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