Heart Happy (cathy_edgett) wrote,
Heart Happy


I am not sure you all catch the comments, since you are more oriented to reading the body of the blog, so I thought I would post a comment in response to my promoting of Paul Hawken's new book, Blessed Unrest.

I would also like to comment on the kind of guy Paul Hawken is.  Years ago, I heard him speak in front of a huge crowd at Fort Mason.  I was intrigued by something he said, and asked if I could have a copy of the quote.  He said he was speaking spontaneously from notes for the book he was currently working on, and he didn't have anything organized, but he would send me all of his notes and I could sort through them and find what I needed.  He requested, quite rightly,  I keep the notes to myself.  Now, that is an honorable and trusting man.  He had no idea who I was and he sent me the unpublished notes to his book.    This is a man leading the way to change. 

Check out:    http://www.wiserearth.org/     

The following  posting was anonymous. 

In addition to working on Blessed Unrest, Paul Hawken has been working on the WiserEarth.org project, a comprehensive global directory of more than 100,000 organizations working on social and environmental change. His vision was to create this directory to provide visibility and transparency to these organizations so that people of similar areas of interest could better find each other and collaborate.

I'd begin by browsing organizations or people located in the city you live in.

Check out some of the 379 areas of focus including: Information and Communication Technology, Workers Rights, Environmental Education, Peace and Peacemaking and Local Food Systems.

It's a continuous work in progress that will adapt more and more towards serving the people who are serving the world. Any feedback is welcome!


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